Division |
Project Title |
Faculty Sponsor(s) |
Accounting | Short Disclosures/PE Fund Performance | Anne Heinrichs |
DRO | Simulation of Preventative Care | Jing Dong Carri Chan |
Economics | Wage Setting Culture of Multinational Firms | Jonas Hjort |
Economics | Public Policies and Their Impact on Health | Ann Bartel |
Economics | The Medieval Roots of Inclusive Institutions: From the Norman Conquest of England to the Great Reform Act | Charles Angelucci |
Finance | Effect of Passively Managed Money on the Efficiency of Capital Markets | Wei Jiang |
Finance | How do Lobbyists Influence the Rulemaking of Financial Regulation? | Kairong Xiao |
Finance | Book Project on Corporate Finance Theory | Neng Wang Patrick Bolton |
Finance | Currency Return Predictability | Harry Mamaysky Charles Calomiris |
Finance | Impact of Bank Financing Shocks on Reallocation of Inventors and Innovativeness | Tania Babina |
Management | Synchrony and Workspace Design in Organizations | Modupe Akinola |
Management | Multiple Projects | Adam Galinsky |
Management | Construal Level in Homogeneous and Diverse Group Decision Making Contexts | Kathy Philips |
Management | Exploring the Foundations of Creativity and Success in Music | Michael Mauskapf |
Management | Effect of Cultural Constructs on Corporate Social Responsibility | Vanessa Burbano |
Management | Field Experiments in Hiring | Bo Cowgill Dan Wang |
Management | Effects of Unionization on Firm Strategy | Dongil Kim |
Marketing | The Evidence of a News Aggregator Capture: Evidence from Russia | Andrey Simonov |