Starting in 2020/21, the School, in partnership with the Arts & Sciences Economics Department, began offering a Business Economics Track (BusEc). The program is open to 3 to 4 students a year.
BusEc is not a separate PhD program. Students are enrolled in the same PhD in Economics Program and are awarded the same degree by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Most requirements and resources are identical. However, BusEc is particularly suited for PhD students who want to leverage the academic resources available at Columbia Business School, and in particular in the Economics Division of the Business School.
Like other Economics PhD students, second-year BusEc students must select two fields. Specific to BusEc is that one of those two fields has to be the newly created Business Economics field, which will include courses in areas of strength of the Economics Division. The other fields currently offered are: Micro Theory, Macro, Econometrics, Industrial Organization, International Trade, Applied Micro, Development, Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Political Economy.
Beyond coursework, BusEc students will be required to fulfill all the same program requirements as other students in the Economics PhD program.
There will be a joint placement website hosted on the Department of Economics website. In all other ways, BusEc students will be considered equally when on the job market.
At least one primary advisor of a BusEc student shall be a member of the Economics Division of the Business School (if there are two, the other one can be from A&S).
Conditional on availability, BusEc students will receive work space in the Business School.